7 Best World Conquest Nations in EU4 – FandomSpot (2024)

World conquest is a goal many players aspire towards. It could represent the main goal of a campaign.

For many of us who have had our fair share of such campaigns in the past, the idea might sound like a tedious slog. I guess it is up to one’s taste!

In any case, there exist some nations EU IV that are objectively better choices for conquering the entire world.

These nations are simply strong from the early game, while some of them also have mission trees and national ideas that make conquering large swathes of land a breeze.

While most of these nations are in Europe, you might be pleasantly surprised by the top half of this list – and the geographical variety of it!

7. Aragon

7 Best World Conquest Nations in EU4 – FandomSpot (1)

The composite crown of Aragon finds itself in a very strong position at the game’s start.

The term “composite crown” alone can give you a hint of the feudal and dynastic roots of the kingdom. It’s certainly one of the most interesting realms of the early renaissance period for sure.

Aragon begins the game as the overlord of Naples, something that very quickly will be questioned by an event on your ruler’s death. This shouldn’t pose much of a problem; you have the option of keeping the union.

You’re in a very strong position to rule the Mediterranean and curb the Ottoman’s power from very early on.

No-CBing Byzantium and defensively fighting the Ottomans with your allies can make your campaign far easier down the line.

After that, abuse your overpowered mission tree, culminating in the formation of Spain.

From there, playing as Spain you should already have access to the new world through Castilian and Portuguese colonies.

The Spanish mission tree can give you Personal Unions over all western Europe, while you can annex all of Burgundy through event. Leading the HRE isn’t even hard as Spain, allowing you to abuse its mechanics for an even easier world conquest!

6. France

7 Best World Conquest Nations in EU4 – FandomSpot (2)

France is another super powerful state in western Europe.

That said, France doesn’t have any particular aspect tailored towards world conquest. Much like Aragon, it’s simply very strong and can be piloted in a way that makes world dominance easy.

Just pick the correct idea groups for a world conquest and France can easily become a map-painting giant.

In fact, there’s an achievement that wants you to conquer 100 provinces before 1500. People have done this challenge, but finished with 4 times the provinces! This only shows how strong the nation can be under an experienced player’s hands.

So how do you play France here?

Your first move should as France should be to get rid of the English from the mainland, as any good Frenchman would do.

After that, you need to either dismantle or attempt to rule the HRE as emperor. No CBing Byzantium to vassalize them is also a good idea in such a campaign. Keeps the Ottomans in check.

Access to the new world can be achieved through stealing maps and subjugating Spain through your mission tree, so you can opt out of exploration ideas altogether.

If need be, unlock only the first idea necessary to recruit explorers. Refund it for another group later.

5. Ottomans

7 Best World Conquest Nations in EU4 – FandomSpot (3)

The Ottoman menace has to appear in this list.

Sporting national ideas that make them a terror in the early game, while also having easy access to core creation cost reduction, makes them a prime candidate for conquering the world.

Where do the Ottomans fall short though?

They have an outdated mission tree.

Sure, it gives some nice claims in their historical lands, but that’s it. No strong permanent (or even temporary) modifiers and their inability to form other nations are quite a hindrance.

Despite this obstacle, the sheer power of the Ottoman state makes them a force to be reckoned. With expansion options on all sides and an army that cannot be challenged in quality until the mid-16th century, the world is your oyster!

It’s also a perfect nation for beginners.

Even if you feel unprepared for a full world conquest, attempting it as the Ottomans will grant you lots of teachable moments.

4. Majapahit

7 Best World Conquest Nations in EU4 – FandomSpot (4)

The Majapahit empire is on its last legs at the game’s start.

The once glorious maritime state with its center of power in the island of Java has seen much better days. So why is such a dying nation in this list?

Well, the game rewards you immensely if you succeed in defying history and keeping Majapahit alive despite the disaster you begin with.

The final reward for your efforts comes through the mission tree, and it is a unique casus-belli.

And oh boy if it isn’t a powerful one.

At first it allows you to declare a subjugation war on any nation in Indonesia. After finishing that conquest, it also allows such wars against all nations in the Chinese culture group. Finally, you can use it against any nation on the map, regardless of their size.

Well, you might say that having so many vassals isn’t ideal. They will rebel for sure.

You can stop that by becoming the Shogun.

Yes, it’s as cheesy as it sounds.

Culture convert to a Japanese culture, conquer Kyoto, and become the Shogun. Then your vassals will be daimyos and far more loyal.

Note: If you don’t have a powerful CPU, the late game vassal swarm can be very taxing on your computer.

3. Timurids

7 Best World Conquest Nations in EU4 – FandomSpot (5)

The Timurid empire in 1444 is held together only through the respect the various Timurid princes have for the Great Sultan Shah Rukh.

On Shah Rukh’s death, the vassals’ liberty desire will skyrocket.

It doesn’t help that the Great Sultan begins the game at 66 years old!

While the AI will usually fail at handling its vassals, you can easily deal with them. If Shah Rukh dies too early, you can always restart. You have cores on all your vassals’ lands, so after 10 years you can annex them instantly if you have high enough relations.

You also have lots of cores in western Persia.

Conquering the nation of Ajam should be your first goal. Make sure to conquer enough land westwards to deny it from the Ottomans!

After that, move into India.

Conquering Delhi and the land around it allows you to form the Mughals, which is the main reason the Timurids are so high on the list.

The Mughals are as overpowered as a nation can be.

Their mission tree gives them a whopping +10% administrative efficiency (through the “Sultanate of the Deccan” event, make sure to choose the vassal option).

Aside from the huge administrative efficiency bonus, the Mughals enjoy a unique government which automatically accepts all cultures it fully controls. Add humanist ideas and the religious toleration bonus they have already, and you can say goodbye to rebels.

2. Austria

7 Best World Conquest Nations in EU4 – FandomSpot (6)

Austria represents a different route for a world conquest – one that needs you to have an above average computer!

Like the Majapahit campaign, Austria’s power relies on what is known as a “vassal swarm”. In the late game, this swarm can take a toll on your computer.

How does one get this vassal swarm?

Well, by passing all but the final HRE reforms. Austria, already starting as emperor, is in a prime position to achieve that very fast.

Instead of conquering, your early game will revolve around gathering imperial authority and making nearby European states a part of the HRE. They’ll all become your vassals when you pass the second to last reform.

After securing Europe, you can move towards the rest of the world.

You do not even need an army. Your vassals will march to the end of the world and win you the wars.

The elaborate and powerful Austrian mission tree gives you all the tools necessary to dominate the HRE.

Personal Union casus bellis against your neighbors and an incentive to fight the Ottomans from early on is all you will need.

1. Oirat

7 Best World Conquest Nations in EU4 – FandomSpot (7)

Horde gameplay is based around huge land conquests.

And a world conquest is just that, but on a bigger scale.

So it should come as no surprise to veteran players that the Oirat confederation gets the number one spot on this list.

All hordes can do what Oirat can. The Oirats are simply in the best starting position for it, thus they’re the nation of choice if you want the best odds at conquering the globe.

Oirat isn’t an end-game tag either, and gets the option to form whatever they think is best for their purposes.

The two main options are going for the Mughals, or remaining a horde and forming the Great Yuan and eventually the Great Mongol State.

Both options have pros and cons.

Whatever you choose, your early game will play largely the same: it can be boiled down to “explosive expansion in every direction”.

You might spot that you start the game bordering Ming – by far the largest nation in the game with ten times your troops. You can declare war on the 11th of December 1444 (earliest possible date) and stomp them to the ground.

Demand full money and boom, you can now finance your campaigns in the west!

Exploit the horde mechanics to the fullest and raze the world to the ground.

7 Best World Conquest Nations in EU4 – FandomSpot (2024)


What is the hardest starting nation in eu4? ›

  • 1 Granada. Looming War Versus Stronger Castile Puts Nation In A Race Against Time. ...
  • 2 Karabakh. Challenging To Squeeze Out Of Vassalage And Expand In Unpredictable Areas. ...
  • 3 Chavchuveny. Isolation Forces Early-Game Migration, Limited Room For Expansion. ...
  • 4 Rhade. ...
  • 5 Mzab. ...
  • 6 Maldives. ...
  • 7 Albania. ...
  • 8 Muisca.
Feb 10, 2024

What is the strongest European nation eu4? ›

For the A.I the ottoman empire is the strongest nation in the game and the hardest to deal with for other A.I nations.

What is the best country to play in eu4? ›

  1. 1 Muscovy. Muscovy is another very large nation that can thrive with the proper use of its powerful military (and is also the best candidate to form the nation of Russia).
  2. 2 Naples. ...
  3. 3 Venice. ...
  4. 4 Mamluks. ...
  5. 5 Poland. ...
  6. 6 France. ...
  7. 7 Castile. ...
  8. 8 Brandenburg. ...

What is the best formable nation in eu4? ›

Europa Universalis 4: 10 Strongest Formable Nations
  1. 1 Jianzhou To Qing.
  2. 2 Uesugi To Japan. ...
  3. 3 Muscovy To Russia. ...
  4. 4 Poland To Commonwealth. ...
  5. 5 Naples To Italy. ...
  6. 6 Brandenburg To Germany. ...
  7. 7 Brandenburg To Prussia. ...
  8. 8 Holland To The Netherlands. ...
May 1, 2022

What is the richest area in EU4? ›

English Trade Node is the best without question since you can funnel everything into it. But if we're talking the richest regions to prioritise getting a slice of the pie, they'd be the Coromandel + Bengal in India, Indonesia and South + East China.

What is the easiest faction in EU4? ›

  • 8 Vijayanagar. ...
  • 7 Ayutthaya. ...
  • 6 Austria. ...
  • 5 Kilwa. Start Strong To Prepare For Later Challenges. ...
  • 4 Portugal. Dominate The Game With Trade. ...
  • 3 Castile. Train Nation-Building With The Reconquista. ...
  • 2 Ottomans. Headstart Encourages Early-Game Domination. ...
  • 1 France. Experience All Major Mechanics In The Game.
Apr 24, 2024

Which government type is best EU4? ›

  • 5 Native Tribe. Starting With Extreme Handicaps. Effects. ...
  • 4 Monarchy. Vanilla But Flexible For Most Playthroughs. Effects. ...
  • 3 Republic. Dominate Early Game Management. Effects. ...
  • 2 Theocracy. Dominant Military Held Back By Contentious Leadership. Effects. ...
  • 1 Tribal Government. Razing As The Backdrop Of World Conquest. Effects.
Dec 27, 2023

What is the highest possible absolutism in EU4? ›

Maximum effect of absolutism

Usually the effects of Absolutism reach their cap at 100 Absolutism. However, a nation that has an increase to their "Maximum effect of absolutism" can profit even from Absolutism over 100.

What is the best start date for EU4? ›

It is possible to start the game at any of 11 preset historical "bookmarks", or at any date in-between. 11th November 1444 is the default setting, and is also the earliest possible start. Among EU4 players of all levels, the default 1444 start is by far the most popular choice.

Why Eu4 is so addictive? ›

Eu4 is or propably any other paradox game takes energy. You still learn new tricks, discover something new after 4k hours in game. It requires you to keep learning non stop and there isnt an cycle of gameplay. Instead a large amounts of possiblities for gameplay.

Is Australia good to colonize Eu4? ›

All of these nations can use colonization to great benefit when obtaining Institutions, particularly Colonialism and Global Trade. Australia is a viable colonial nation.

What is the best Chinese country in Eu4? ›

Strategically, Ming is in the best position in the game. Holding the entirety of the extremely populous Chinese Zhongyuan region, it has an unrivaled development and more provinces than any country in the world, with no major rivals that pose an immediate threat.

Can you conquer the whole world in EU4? ›

Most of the game is just setting up for later in the game, when Administrative Efficiency kicks in. All you need is a decent powerbase, you can easily conquer about 80% of the world in the last hundred or so years.

What is the best trade nation in EU4? ›

When it comes to Trade Nodes, End Nodes like Venice remain the most significant due to the influx of trade into its region with no outgoing profits. Theoretically, much of the trade getting into Europe can help Venice profit in the early game.

Can you be a lucky nation in EU4? ›

If a lucky nation is annexed or becomes a subject of the player country, a new country is assigned lucky nation status. Achievements can only be earned with the "historic lucky nations" setting. The player's nation will never receive the lucky status.

Is Sweden overpowered EU4? ›

They're a western nation, start in a decently powerful position, and have very strong military ideas. So yeah, doesn't take too much for them to snowball out of control, especially in player hands. But I definitely wouldn't call them the "most overpowered nation in the game", there are stronger nations in every regard.

What is the best starting country in Rise of Nations? ›

There are many reasons to why South Africa is the best beginner country:
  • Isolated from main conflict zones or player-populated zones, such as Europe and Asia . ...
  • Some players could snipe and war you even if you are isolated from the main world because they are expanding for resources, population, and formables.

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